Who can be a member?
Members of Rotary are a diverse group of men and women with high ethics of any race. Rotarians represent professions from a broad spectrum of businesses, for-profit and non-profit, as well as government and educational institutions. Members may be active in their careers or retired.
What is the process to join the Rotary Club of Springfield?
We highly recommend prospective members attend one or more Rotary Club meetings prior to applying for membership.
The Rotary Club of Springfield has established an interview process of applicants for membership. The interview is an opportunity for the Club to learn about the applicant and identify opportunities within the Club for the applicant to become active as soon as membership is confirmed. Internal Club processing of an application is usually completed in less than forty days.
Click here to pick up a digital copy of the application or click here to fill out an online application.
How much should I budget to be a member?
Quarterly dues of $90 are charged in advance at the beginning of each calendar quarter. Meal cost is $15 for each meal consumed. Members can choose to attend a meeting but not eat. We usually have 44 meetings per year. Though we know people will get the most of the Rotary experience if they attend meetings each week, it is not a requirement. Members should try hard to attend at least 50% of meetings.
In addition to dues and meals, we encourage members to contribute to the Rotary Foundation by including an optional amount of $25 on the quarterly bill. There are no judgements if someone chooses not to contribute.
Let's do the math!! Assume 100% attendance and participation in the $100 annual contribution to the Rotary Foundation. Dues = $360 Meals = $660 TRF = $100 for an annual total of $1,120.
What are the Club's expectations of me?
To get the most out of Rotary, members should plan to attend weekly meetings on a regular basis and actively serve on at least one committee. Members are also encouraged to participate on Club service projects. Friendships are formed when engaged in service to the club, a committee or a community need.
The Rotary Club has several fundraisers during the year and members have quite a bit of fun working together raise funds that benefit people of need.
How do I proceed to become a member?
Prior to submitting an application for membership, attend a weekly Club meeting and, if possible, participate in a Club service project. When you are ready to submit an application, pick up the digital copy of the application by clicking here or you can fill out an online application by clicking here.