I am sharing my comments on our club's accomplishments during the 2023-2024 Rotary Year that I presented for our June 24 club meeting. I have provided a little more detail than I had time to present at the meeting: Deep thanks to the club in general and a lot of individuals for giving me a lot of grace and a ton of support during a difficult personal year. Every one of you is appreciated for the kind words and words of support you provided. This club and my position as President gave me something to focus on outside of the turmoil in my personal life and although I would have liked to have been more aggressive as a leader and agent of change, I promised you guys, I wouldn’t crash the boat and I think we accomplished that goal. We added some new members and lost some this year. We still have a great core of people, and I’m confident we will continue to find ways to do more as we go forward. With all that being said, here is a quick reminder of the year we had. Programs: We heard from several of our own members on a variety of topics, including: District Governor Neal Miller - Rotary and Rotary District 6460 Plans Dr. Jim Applegate – Social Justice Sewing Academy (see story below in this Newsletter) Dr. Jim Applegate, Rotarian - Climate Extremes: Antarctica and the Amazon (image below) Rod Buffington, Rotarian - Art and My 50 Years in Rotary PS, Rotary Exchange Student - My Background and Introduction to Springfield (image below) David Fowler, Club Member - Computer Banc New Developments We heard from other community leaders and Rotary Exchange Students, including: Gwendolyn Harrison, Director Lincoln Library - Springfield Lincoln Library Programs and Services Shymeka Kerr-Gregory & Cherena Douglass - Juneteenth Celebration (image below) Dave Fuchs, Public Works Director - Springfield Department of Public Works Services and Programs Lynette Strode, Program Manager - Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) Derek Harms, Springfield Park District - Springfield Park District Recreational Opportunities & Rotary Park Update Gordon Davis - Whimsy Tea Company Pamela Frazier and Robert Frazier - Clean Slate Advocates: Soap to Hope Challenge Eric Dolbeare - Zambian Corn Project Update Shelia Walk, Springfield Area Arts Council - Programs & Services of the Springfield Area Arts Council Laura Davis, Helping Hands, & John James, The Outlet, - Helping Hands of Springfield & The Outlet Programs & Interactions with Rotary (image below) Carmen Correa, Rotary Exchange Student - My Experiences in Germany as a Rotary Foreign Exchange Student Kevin Seals, Hanson Professional Services - The Springfield Rail Improvement Project Scott Richardson, Executive Director Legacy Theatre - Legacy Theatre: Past, Present and Future Dr. Sameer Vohra, IDPH Director - Polio’s status and recent developments in Illinois and elsewhere and their significance (image below) Mark MacDonald, Rotary Exchange Student - My Experiences in France as a Rotary Foreign Exchange Student Steve Ettinger, Illinois Conservation Foundation - Conservation, education and outdoor heritage programs State Representative Mike Coffey - The BOS Center and Its Community Impacts Social Nights: Out strategy to include off-site social nights proved to be very enjoyable and successful. We explored numerous Springfield-area restaurants and businesses, including: Papa Frank’s Finleys Tap Home Plate Casa Real Nesty's Burger Joint (image below) Obed and Isaac’s The Creek Motor Heads Agricultural Center at LLC Scheel’s Training Center Other Successes: Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast – We sponsored tables and students and again participated in this annual community event (image below).  Citrus Campaign – Following some hiccups, we came through strong by selling lots of citrus. The proceeds from the sale supported our community grants and other needs. We also donated oranges to Ridgely School (image on right), and with the help of our clients, donated three pallets of oranges to the Central Illinois Foodbank (image below). Flag Service – We continued to serve over 500 clients (image below), including some new subscribers. Community Grants – We distributed $36,600 in grants this year (12-15 grants awarded; image below shows some of the awardees). Club Assembly – We addressed needed changes regarding dues to keep our club strong and active. New Members – We brought in two great new members, including Ally Montney, who is coordinating the stocking of our little libraries and the Ridgely School Micro-pantry (first image below), and Creighton Burrell, who is shown below at our off-site social event at Casa Real (second image below). Peacebuilders Committee and Accomplishments – With the leadership of Jim Applegate, the club secured a large grant for a partnership and project with the Social Justice Sewing Academy and The Outlet (image below), and as will be officially announced at our July 8 club meeting, we were recognized by Rotary International as a Peace Builder Club. Preparation of International Grant Proposal – Dave Fowler is currently working on a substantial “reverse” international grant, which would support expansion and technology training at the Computer Banc, which, if funded, will be another big win for our club. We should really be proud of what we have and what we continue to accomplish. Our club positively impacts our local geography and many lives within the community. We do really good things. I’m proud of all of you for what we are able to accomplish. Thank you again for all of your support this past year. Let’s make sure we do the same for Megan as she takes the reins for 2024-2025. |