The Rotary Club of

July 4, 2024 Newsletter

On June 24, we gathered at the Stone Creek Club House in Springfield to celebrate our outgoing President, Travis Magoulias and his leadership team and to install incoming President Megan Reynolds and  other officers for the 2024-2025 Rotary Year. Travis joyously accepted the Past President badge presented by Megan (image above). The stories below highlight the accomplishments of the last Rotary year and the installation of our new leadership team.

Please join us for our July 8 club meeting at Maldaners Upstairs. Peace Committee Chair, Jim Applegate, will speak about our exciting partnership with the Social Justice Quilt Academy and The Outlet. We will have some special guests and will announce our club's new status at RI.

Comments from President Megan
My Plans as Your Rotary Club President
I am sharing the comments that I made at the June 24 installation ceremony:
As I look out into everyone’s faces, I can’t help but be in awe of the power in this room. So many of you hold multiple degrees, have run your own businesses and organizations, and if I were to list all of your accomplishments, we would be here for days.
But I think the most important thing that I see when I look out at you all, are my friends. Many of you know that I came to my first Rotary meeting on a whim in the middle of a pandemic, without any real knowledge of what Rotary was or what Rotarians did.
I was immediately welcomed and accepted, and I knew that I was in the right place. Now, I still don’t know all of the ins and outs of Rotary, but I know that I am surrounded by people who are happy to share their knowledge with me and support me.
 So I just want to thank you all for the faith that you’ve put in me to be your leader this year, and I want you to know every one of you embody this year’s theme- The Magic of Rotary.  Your presence in this club and in my life is magical, and I truly appreciate all of you.
For this upcoming year, I’ve identified one word that I want to guide all of my decisions, and that’s ENGAGEMENT. I want our members to feel engaged within our club, I want our club to be engaged with other clubs and our whole community at large. When someone is thinking of joining a service club, I want our name to be at the very top of the list.
So a few different things that I plan to do this year include:
Battle of the Bells fundraiser vs Kiwanis for the Salvation Army this Christmas
            Lunch time as well as dinner time social meetings throughout the year
Presence at different community events and increased volunteer opportunities 
            All club picnic in May 2025.
I’ve spoken to so many people throughout the years about Rotary and everyone always says just how special this group of Rotarians is. I just want to thank you all for the support and love you’ve shown me over the past few years, and I am so proud to be named your President today.  You make me truly look forward to our Monday evenings together.
Meeting Link through June 2025 changed the Webex meeting information.
Occurs on Mondays effective Monday, July 8, 2024 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
5:30 PM  |  (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)  |  1 hr 30 mins
When it's time, join the Webex meeting here.
More ways to join:
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2591 969 2692
Meeting password: B89UhMRTJU2 (28984678 from video systems)
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3208,,25919692692## United States Toll
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You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
 Need help? Go to
Reserve Your Maldaners Meals
When we meet at Maldaner's, please submit your reservations for dinner! Click on the link embedded below and enter the date, your name, dine in/carry out and number of meals being consumed in the restaurant and/or carried out prior to each meeting. Preferably, everyone will fill out the form by noon on the Friday before the upcoming meeting. We have given Jesse at Maldaner's access to the view, so it will help him with planning. As always, we will direct him to have a few additional servings available for members who forget or last minute guests. 
Here is the link:
The same link will work for the entire Rotary year and will be shared within each Newsletter, so do not delete the Newsletter until you have submitted your dinner information. Please remember that the three most recent Newsletters can also be accessed from the Website Home Page ( so you can also access the link for reservations from the Website Home Page ( 
Review of Club's 2023-2024 Accomplishments
I am sharing my comments on our club's accomplishments during the 2023-2024 Rotary Year that I presented for our June 24 club meeting. I have provided a little more detail than I had time to present at the meeting: 
Deep thanks to the club in general and a lot of individuals for giving me a lot of grace and a ton of support during a difficult personal year. Every one of you is appreciated for the kind words and words of support you provided. This club and my position as President gave me something to focus on outside of the turmoil in my personal life and although I would have liked to have been more aggressive as a leader and agent of change, I promised you guys, I wouldn’t crash the boat and I think we accomplished that goal.
We added some new members and lost some this year. We still have a great core of people, and I’m confident we will continue to find ways to do more as we go forward.
With all that being said, here is a quick reminder of the year we had.
We heard from several of our own members on a variety of topics, including:
District Governor Neal Miller - Rotary and Rotary District 6460 Plans
Dr. Jim Applegate – Social Justice Sewing Academy (see story below in this Newsletter)
Dr. Jim Applegate, Rotarian - Climate Extremes: Antarctica and the Amazon (image below)
Rod Buffington, Rotarian - Art and My 50 Years in Rotary
PS, Rotary Exchange Student - My Background and Introduction to Springfield (image below)
David Fowler, Club Member - Computer Banc New Developments 
We heard from other community leaders and Rotary Exchange Students, including:
Gwendolyn Harrison, Director Lincoln Library - Springfield Lincoln Library Programs and Services
Shymeka Kerr-Gregory & Cherena Douglass - Juneteenth Celebration  (image below)
Dave Fuchs, Public Works Director - Springfield Department of Public Works Services and Programs   
Lynette Strode, Program Manager - Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP) 
Derek Harms, Springfield Park District - Springfield Park District Recreational Opportunities & Rotary Park Update     
Gordon Davis - Whimsy Tea Company   
Pamela Frazier and Robert Frazier - Clean Slate Advocates: Soap to Hope Challenge
Eric Dolbeare - Zambian Corn Project Update   
Shelia Walk, Springfield Area Arts Council - Programs & Services of the Springfield Area Arts Council       
Laura Davis, Helping Hands, & John James, The Outlet, - Helping Hands of Springfield & The Outlet Programs & Interactions with Rotary (image below)
Carmen Correa, Rotary Exchange Student - My Experiences in Germany as a Rotary Foreign Exchange Student 
Kevin Seals, Hanson Professional Services - The Springfield Rail Improvement Project
Scott Richardson, Executive Director Legacy Theatre - Legacy Theatre: Past, Present and Future
Dr. Sameer Vohra, IDPH Director - Polio’s status and recent developments in Illinois and elsewhere and their significance (image below)
Mark MacDonald, Rotary Exchange Student - My Experiences in France as a Rotary Foreign Exchange Student   
Steve Ettinger, Illinois Conservation Foundation - Conservation, education and outdoor heritage programs
State Representative Mike Coffey - The BOS Center and Its Community Impacts     
Social Nights:
Out strategy to include off-site social nights proved to be very enjoyable and successful. We explored numerous Springfield-area restaurants and businesses, including:
Papa Frank’s
Finleys Tap 
Home Plate
Casa Real
Nesty's Burger Joint (image below)
Obed and Isaac’s
The Creek
Motor Heads
Agricultural Center at LLC
Scheel’s Training Center
Other Successes:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast – We sponsored tables and students and again participated in this annual community event (image below).
Citrus Campaign – Following some hiccups, we came through strong by selling lots of citrus. The proceeds from the sale supported our community grants and other needs. We also donated oranges to Ridgely School (image on right), and with the help of our clients, donated three pallets of  oranges to the Central Illinois Foodbank (image below).
Flag Service – We continued to serve over 500 clients (image below), including some new subscribers.
Community Grants – We distributed $36,600 in grants this year (12-15 grants awarded; image below shows some of the awardees).
Club Assembly – We addressed needed changes regarding dues to keep our club strong and active.
New Members – We brought in two great new members, including Ally Montney, who is coordinating the stocking of our little libraries and the Ridgely School Micro-pantry (first image below), and Creighton Burrell, who is shown below at our off-site social event at Casa Real (second image below).
Peacebuilders Committee and Accomplishments –  With the leadership of Jim Applegate, the club secured a large grant for a partnership and project with the Social Justice Sewing Academy and The Outlet (image below), and as will be officially announced at our July 8 club meeting, we were recognized by Rotary International as a Peace Builder Club.
Preparation of International Grant Proposal – Dave Fowler is currently working on a substantial “reverse” international grant, which would support expansion and technology training at the Computer Banc, which, if funded, will be another big win for our club.
We should really be proud of what we have and what we continue to accomplish. Our club positively impacts our local geography and many lives within the community. We do really good things. I’m proud of all of you for what we are able to accomplish.
Thank you again for all of your support this past year. Let’s make sure we do the same for Megan as she takes the reins for 2024-2025.
Recognition of Service in 2023-2024
At our June 24 club meeting, outgoing President Travis Magoulias recognized a few of the many outstanding club members for their service during the 2023-2024 Rotary Year.  He presented a Service Above Self Award to John Webb (image to left) for his extraordinary service as our Club Services Director. He brought in an exemplary line-up of speakers for our club meetings, most of which are listed in the article above in this Newsletter. He also presented a Service Above Self Award to Secretary Marty Michelson for all of his work as Secretary and for his continuing efforts with the Flag Service Project (image below). Travis also presented a Service of Self Award to Treasurer Jim Theis for his outstanding work work as Treasurer, but Jim was unable to attend the meeting.
Travis also presented Certificates of Excellence to International Service Director Bob Stuart (image to left) and Membership Director Harry Mitchell image below) for their leadership and guidance in all things Rotary.
He presented Certificates of Excellence to Barry Tobias (image on right) for all his assistance as Sergeant of Arms and for providing his expertise on on technology issues, as well as moral support, and to Bonnie Styles for her work as Public Relations Chair and for all her efforts with the Club Newsletter (image below). Travis also presented a Certificate of Excellence to Youth Service Director Bill Kempiners for his outstanding work with youth education, particularly for his work with the Rotary Exchange Students. Unfortunately Bill was unable to attend the meeting.
Rod Buffington presented Travis with a print of his original quilt painting of the Rotary International President's Theme for the 2023-2024 Year (image below), and everyone applauded Travis for his outstanding accomplishments as Club President.
Installation of 2024-2025 Leadership Team
Our Installation "Picnic" was held indoors at the Stone Creek Club House in Springfield (images below) because of the weather. The casual atmosphere was perfect, and the food, catered by Maldeners, was delicious.  
A team of Rotary dignitaries (image below) assisted with the installation of our new Club President, Megan Reynolds at our June 24 club meeting. The group included Bob Stuart (club member, former Rotary International Director, and Past District Governor), Dan O'Brien (member of the Rotary Club of Carlinville and new District Governor for Rotary District 6460), Harry Mitchell (club member and former Assistant Governor for our area), and Travis Magoulias (our outgoing Club President). Each spoke about the responsibilities of the club president. 
After describing the responsibilities of the Club President, Bob Stuart asked Megan if she would pledge to fulfill the duties of the President to the best of her abilities, to the lead the club following the highest principles of Rotary, and to conduct the business of the club following the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International and the club. She enthusiastically pledged "I do" to each (image on right).
Bob asked Travis to present Megan with the President's badge and gavel (image below), which Travis did with great glee.
Bob then asked Jim Theis, Treasurer (not present) and Marty Michelson, Secretary to take the pledge of office. Marty pledged to full fill the duties of his position, follow the constitution and bylaws of RI and the club, and exemplify the highest principles of Rotary (image to left). The other officers are the President Elect (not yet named). Travis will also continue to serve on the Board as Past President
The other elected Board members were asked to stand:
Club Service: John Webb
Community Service: Ken Gilmore (not present)
International Service: Bob Stuart
Youth Service: Travis Magoulias
Membership Service: Harry Mitchell
Directors at Large: Loretta Meeks (not present), Ross Hodel, Bonnie Styles, and Barry Tobias
Board members present also pledged to to do their duties to the best of their abilities following the constitution and bylaws and to exemplify the highest principles of Rotary.
Bob Stuart concluded that all the Officers and Directors were now installed. Everyone applauded.
Megan presented Travis with the Past Presidents Badge (lead image and image below).
Megan concluded the session by praising our club and conveying some of her plans for the future. These comments are provided in the President's Comments Section of this Newsletter.
It was a joyous event. We are starting off the new Rotary Year off with a bang! 
Building Peace and Fighting Racism
Editors Note: Jim Applegate will speak about the Social Justice Sewing Academy at our July 8 Club Meeting. Be sure to attend this meeting to learn more about this project.
The Rotary Peace Builders Committee secured grants from the Healing Racism in Illinois Program ( and the Rotary Literacy Grant program to create a partnership with the Social Justice Sewing Academy (SJSA) ( and The Outlet ( supporting an SJSA academy for the African American young men and boys (as well as some of their parents, grandparents, and young girls) served by The Outlet. The Outlet largely serves youth in families without present fathers.
For three nights about 25 participants (a) talked about what it means to be an African American male in Springfield and America (b) worked with SJSA staff and experienced quilters to translate the ideas and emotions sparked by those discussions into visual images imprinted onto quilt squares and (c) created artist statements expressing what their squares meant to them (images above and on left provided by The Outlet). Each of the young men were given a copy of the book “Stitching Stolen Lives” authored by one of our SJSA partners (image below provided by The Outlet) and a picture of themselves with their square.
These squares will be transformed into a beautiful full-sized quilt by SJSA. The Peace Builders Committee will organize community events where the quilt will be displayed, and the young men will be engaged to talk about their work with leaders and citizens across Springfield. The goal of these events is to spark community conversations about what Springfield needs to do to address the issues raised by these young men and their quilt and build greater peace in our community.
The Springfield Outlet/Rotary quilt also be on display at national quilting expositions and museums along with the estimated 45 other community quilts created to date by SJSA to give voice to those who are often not heard by their communities and country.
The insights and high level of engagement of participants was amazing to hear and see. One retired veteran teacher/quilter called it “one of the most meaningful things I have ever done.” Everyone involved from SJSA organizers to Outlet staff, to Rotary and quilter volunteers came away in awe of the young men’s work as well as energized and motivated to make sure their message was heard far and wide to spark change.
July 13 Rotary Family Day at the Ball Park
It is time for baseball fans to participate in our annual "Rotary Family Day at the Ball Park."  Thank you for purchasing tickets! The 2024 game is on on July 13 at 1:15 P.M. at Busch Stadium in St. Louis.
If you don't already have your tickets, you can purchase tickets using the traditional order form, which you may print out and mail to me with a check for payment by clicking ORDER FORM or for your convenience, place your order online and then pay via debit or credit card, Paypal or check by clicking ONLINE ORDER. If you don't have tickets yet, I suggest that you email me at to let me know that you would like to buy tickets.
Nearly $600,000 has been raised over the 20 years of the program for Literacy Project within our schools and communities.
The Rotary club of Rotary District 6460 thanks you for all the past games you attended, and we look forward to seeing you at Busch Stadium on July 13. Be sure to share this information with your friends and family so we can fill the stadium and raise more money to fund literacy projects in West Central Illinois. 

We will have a bus leaving from and returning to Springfield for those of you who purchased a seat on the bus. Seats are $30 each. If you have not purchased a seat on the bus, email me at to see if seats are available. The bus will leave at 9:00 a.m. from Cherry Hills Church on the corner of Chatham Road and Woodside Road (2125 Woodside Rd, Springfield, IL, 62711).  The bus will be parked in the Southwest Corner of the Church parking lot, and all cars should be parked in the Southwest Corner.  Game time is 1:15 p.m. however the gates open at 11:15 a.m.  This will give you time to eat in the ballpark village before the game or go shopping in the ballpark village shops. I also allowed time for road construction and heavy traffic.
Thank you for participating in this important fundraiser. The proceeds support District Literacy grants.
Rod Buffington
Coordinator - "Rotary Family Day at the Ball Park"
Host Families Desperately Needed for Rotary Foreign Exchange Students
At our June 10 board and club meetings, Bill Kempiners made another plea to help find host families for Rotary inbound (foreign) exchange students.  We still have not been able to find host families for 2024-2025 foreign exchange students that would be sponsored by our club (Springfield High School) and the Springfield South Club (Glenwood-Chatham High School). Bill announced that we have already lost one of the potential inbound students because of the failure to find a host family. If we find host families we may still be able to bring in one exchange student who would be able to start in the second semester of high school, spend the summer, and continue with the fall semester next year. This arrangement would require three hosts families.
Click on this Link for a Flyer that has been prepared, and I m asking that you send it to family, friends, and acquaintances to solicit their help in searching for potential  host families.  If your office allows you to post such notices, I ask that you also post it.  Share it on your Facebook page or other social media. Host families do not have to be Rotarians.
I appreciate any assistance you can provide.
Bill Kempiners
Upcoming Programs and Events
Please remember that we are trying our new schedule with some social night meetings at locations other than Maldaners. Please pay attention to the meeting schedule listed the Newsletter, on our website home page (, and on our Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages for the dates and locations of the meetings. I am in the process of scheduling speakers now and will provide more details as soon as they are available. 
July 8, 2024, Rotary Club Meeting at Maldaners Upstairs
Jim Applegate: the Social Justice Sewing Academy.
This will be a special meeting with special guests, including project partners and Rotary dignitaries. Please attend to learn more about this project and our club's Peace Building accomplishments.
July 15, 2024 No Rotary Club Meeting
July 22, 2024 Rotary Club Meeting at Maldaners Upstairs
Nicholas Putra Sedijotomo (PS): My Time in the United States as a Rotary Inbound Exchange Student   
The Rotary Exchange Student that we have sponsored over the last academic year will speak about his experiences in the Springfield area, Illinois, and other areas of the United States that he has visited.
Help Stock the Little Libraries
Little Libraries are free book exchanges that aim to expand book access within our communities. The prevailing concept of “take a book, share a book” reigns.
Our Club supports this literacy initiative and has helped build up the Little Library system in our community. We continue to help Little Libraries at six locations remain stocked with books. The locations are as follows:
1. St. John’s Breadline, 430 North 5th Street;
2. Springfield Firehouse No. 5/“The First Black Firehouse,” 1310 East Adams Street (shown in the image above);
3. Ridgely Elementary School, 2040 North 8th Street;
4. Enos Elementary School, 524 West Elliott Avenue;
5. iMagicNation site, 16th and Spruce, NorthEast corner; and,
6. The Outlet, 3306 South 6th Street.
On Tuesday June 4, Allie Montney and I visited these Little Libraries and added additional books to their existing stock (image on left and below). If you are interested in helping stock books, please contact Allie Montney at
Be a Food Pantry Superhero
Here's your chance to be a pantry superhero!  Join John Webb and I in stocking the Ridgely Elementary School micro pantry for two weeks. Your commitment will ensure that families and children have access to essential items when they need them most.  Whether it's a can of soup, a box of cereal, or toiletries, your contribution will brighten someone's day.  Reach out to Allie Montney at or call 217-494-6901 to become a beacon of hope for those in need.  Every item you place on those shelves is a small gesture that collectively makes a huge impact!
Information for Ridgely Micropantry Volunteers
Thank you for signing up for a  micro pantry volunteer shift. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated by the community we serve. Below are the details including the location of the pantry, and suggestions on items to collect and distribute.  If you are unable to complete your shift, please reach out and we'll work on a better period of time to meet your needs. If you have suggestions for future volunteers, please let me know and we'll adapt the program along the way.
 Ridgely Elementary School 
 2040 North 8th Street
 Springfield, IL  62702
 Main entrance to the school (look for the yellow and purple pantry by the front  doors).
The image below shows the location of the pantry at the entrance to the school.
 These suggestions came from people who use food pantries to help feed their families. 
1. Everyone donates Kraft Mac and Cheese in the box. They can rarely use it because it needs milk and butter, which is difficult to get from regular food banks.
2. Boxed milk is a treasure, as kids need it for cereal, which they also get a lot of.
3. Everyone donates pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles.
4. They cannot eat all the awesome canned veggies and soup unless you put a can opener in too or buy pop tops.*
5. Oil is a luxury and needed for Rice a-Roni, which they also get a lot of.
6. Spices or salt and pepper would be a real Holiday gift.
7. Tea bags and coffee make them feel like you care.
8. Sugar and flour are treats.
9. They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores.
10. Seeds are cool in Spring and Summer because growing can be easy for some.
11. They rarely get fresh meat.
12. Tuna and crackers make a good lunch.
13. Hamburger Helper goes nowhere without ground beef.
14. They get lots of peanut butter and jelly but usually not sandwich bread.
15. Butter or margarine is nice too.
16. Eggs are a real commodity.
17. Cake mix and frosting makes it possible to make a child’s birthday cake.
18. Dishwashing detergent is very expensive and is always appreciated.
19. Feminine hygiene products are a luxury and women will cry over that.
20. Everyone loves Stove Top Stuffing.
Time Commitment:   Two consecutive weeks (1-2 restocking visits per week), The image below shows a fully stocked pantry.
The image below shows me stocking an empty micropantry on June 4. We will hopefully be developing a new schedule to cover summer. Let me know if you are interested in taking a shift.
Micro Pantry Coordinator:  Allie Montney with assistance from John Webb
Phone 217-494-6901 (for the quickest response, please text)
Things I've noticed that may be helpful:  Stocking the pantry on a weekend or after 4:00PM during the weekdays means less people and easier to get a parking spot.  Ask friends and family to donate unused household items for the pantry that you can collect.  If purchasing bags of fresh fruit or veggies, stock them individually so that more in need can take what they need.  It's going to be freezing outside soon, so consider if the items will no longer be good if frozen.  ALDI grocery stores have prices that cannot be beat. 
Volunteer Update
At our January 8 Board and Club meetings, President Travis reported that our 2023-2024 Club's Community Service Director, Madeline Boner had resigned as Community Service Director and from our Club because her job is requiring more work than she had anticipated. We wish her the best in her career and hope that she will be able to come back to us in the future when the duties of life and work are perhaps a little less demanding. We thank all the volunteers who gave and are giving generously of their time on service projects this fall and over the holiday season. Work on our ongoing service projects continues, and we thank all who have stepped up to help coordinate these activities. Megan Reynolds has been coordinating some volunteer activities in the interim. 
April 26 United Way Spring Day of Action
Special thanks to the club members who volunteered at the Mini O'Beirne Crisis Nursery as a part of the United Way Day of Action. See article by John Webb for images of volunteers at this event.. 
Stocking our Little Libraries
Allison Montney ( and John Webb ( have joined forces to take on the important task of coordinating the stocking of our Little Libraries. We previously built a  series of Little Libraries with a support from a District Club Grant and secured a large number of books that were donated by a group in St. Louis. The books are stored in the Computer Banc warehouse. They have requested that club members bring in books to supplement the donated books stored in the Computer Banc warehouse. More information will be provided in a future Newsletter
The image of the Little Library at Ridgely School (to the left) clearly shows that this little library needed to be regularly stocked. Thanks to Allison and John for coordinating this project and ensuring that it is well stocked. Let them know if you would like to help.
We also need to help keep our newest Little Library at the old Firehouse well stocked with books (image below)! We thank Kathryn Harris for her work and promotion for this Little Library, which is right across the street from her home! If you would like to help stock this little library and any of the others we have installed in Springfield, please contact Allison and John.
Stocking of the Ridgely School Micropantry
We previously installed a Micropantry at Ridgely Elementary School (our adopted school) with support from a District Grant. At our October 23 meeting, Allison Montney volunteered to coordinate the stocking of this micropantry with food, cleaning, and toiletry items. She will be re-establishing the system for volunteers to sign up to stock the pantry for a two week period, and John Webb has also volunteered to help with this project. If you would like to volunteer to stock this important and regularly used pantry, please let Allison know ( as soon as possible. More information is provided in Allie's article in this Newsletter. 
Flag Service
Please consider volunteering for the Flag Service project in 2024. We thank the volunteers who helped with charging the solar lights for the Memorial day installation and those who have already volunteered to take on responsibilities for this project.  
Flag Installation for the 2024 Memorial Day Holiday
Flags were installed for the Memorial Day Holiday (May 27, 2024) starting on May 20 and were completed by May 24. 
Flag Removal, Storage, and Final Deployment
Flags will be removed following the July 4 Holiday (starting on July 8) and will be stored in the warehouse until our final deployment in late August before Labor Day (September 2) and will remain in place until after Patriots Day (September 11). Then the flags will be removed and stored in the warehouse for the winter. 
Please contact John Loftus ( if you would like to help with any aspect of our Flag Service project. It's rewarding and raises lots of money for our community grants program!  
Citrus Campaign
As noted by our Warehouse Czar Bill Smith, the 2023 campaign was successful and raised monies for our community grants program. We thank all the Rotarians who ordered and sold citrus, and all those who worked on the planning of the campaign and in the warehouse.
Encourage Membership in Rotary
Do you know or are you someone who has a passion to give back to your community? The Rotarians in this image are helping pack essential items for the Illinois Police Department to give to homeless individuals in our community. As a Rotarian, you adhere to the principles of the 4-way Test., which are:
  • Is it the Truth? 
  • Is it Fair to all concerned? 
  • Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?  
  • Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?  
If you find value in these ideals and want to be part of a great organization, right click on the attached link to open our online Membership Application in a new window. You can also click on this link to download an electronic copy of the Membership Application from our Club's website Home Page ( in the Download Files section. You can send the completed application to the Membership Committee at We look forward to hearing from you! 

Downtown 2023-2024 Rotary Membership Chair
Harry Mitchell
Record Your Service Hours and Contributions
Please remember to report your service hours and related contributions. Travis Magoulias has added the 2023-2024 Rotary Year to the form. You will be able to enter your hours now and correctly assign them to the correct Rotary Calendar year. Just follow this link:
Please email images of service activities to Bonnie Styles at It's easy to take pictures if you have a smartphone, but even an old style camera works just fine. Send me an email ( to let me know when you will be volunteering for a service project, and I will come out and take some images.
Be sure to turn in your hours for any volunteering that you do on behalf of Rotary.
The image shows Barry Tobias installing the conduit for a flag in May for a new customer for the 2024 Rotary Flag Service Project.
The images on the left and below show John Webb volunteering at the Animal Protective League's Donuts and Dogs Fundraiser. Service has its rewards, sometimes including a donut.
Website, Facebook and LinkedIn
Keep up with the club communications by checking the website at, Facebook and LinkedIn. Be sure to "like" or "follow" us!
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