Posted by Megan Reynolds
Annual Citrus Sale Fundraiser
We thank all members who participated in our annual citrus fundraiser by selling fruit, working in the warehouse, helping distribute fruit to customers, as well as purchasing oranges for donation to the Central Illinois Foodbank and students at Ridgely Elementary School. The articles below provide more information. We especially thank Bill Smith (image below) for managing the whole project and serving as the warehouse czar.  
Montney Holiday Open House on December 7
Special thanks are due to club member Allison Montney and her husband Mike (on right in image below) for hosting a holiday open house at their home on Saturday, December 7. They hosted this event as a fundraiser to benefit our Rotary Club. I also thank the Rotarians who were able to join them and especially John Webb (on left in image below) for providing an overview of Rotary and our club's service to the community. For more information, check out the article by John Webb in this Newsletter. 
Club Assembly on Retaining Members on December 9
Membership Chair Harry Mitchell facilitated a rich  discussion on how to engage and retain members at our December 9 club meeting (image below). This club assembly was a follow-up to our October 28 session on how to get new members. Harry's article below provides more information on the sessions and results. We will continue to devote club assemblies to membership issues during the remainder of my term as president.
Club Holiday Party on December 17 
We had a great time at our annual Holiday Party on Tuesday, December 17 at the Christ the King Parrish Hall in Springfield. A delicious meal was provided by Chef Randy Williams and members brought bottles of wine to share. The Williamsville High School Madrigals delighted us with their beautiful costumes and holiday songs (image below). Our celebration was a great start for the holiday season. We hope you enjoy the images and the story in this Newsletter.
Rotary-Sponsored Blood Drive
Thanks to all who participated in the Rotary Blood Drive for Impact Life. John Webb's story below provides more details on this event.
Bell-Ringing for Salvation Army
We also thank all who signed up and rang the bells for Salvation Army. I will let you know how we did in our friendly competition with the Kiwanis Club.
January 6 Club Meeting Features Jim Watts
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We will resume having club meetings on Monday, January 6. Please join us at Maldaners Upstairs to hear Jim Watts (image on left), Impact Life Regional Manager, discuss the results of the recent Rotary-sponsored blood drive and blood supply usage.